How to plan a Perfect Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s day is almost here, and so is everybody as usual in confused situation what to do, what to gift ,and how to make it memorable .Here’s a list what one can do, to turn there day special & memorable.
1-Celebrate with 12 days of Valentine’s Day -staring from 7th February- 14 feb ,this does not mean one has to be loud and give expensive gift to show that you care, small gestures can speak much louder than expensive gift articles.
2-If it’s your
first valentine’s day - after your marriage than plan a surprise visit
to romantic cities like Goa or Paris
3-Spend some
quality time together - why not cook a meal together ,go for a walk or
any other activity which you guys enjoy together ,like dancing ,swimming theater etc.
4- Create A Special Evening At Home- turn your house into a mini spa, get yourself some
sensual oils, candles , fill the room with balloons rose and
red petals.
for a mini theater system and watch romantic movies together
like-The Notebook ,
Casablanca , Gone with the wind and the list goes on ...
SPONTANEOUS-Do something that is unexpected from you and thrills your partner , secretly learn how
to cook his /her favorite dish or few dance moves .surprise him
by taking him out for a dance ,hot air balloon ride,drag him out of the house from
your boring lifestyle to see sunset,listen to a live
band/ghazal or whatever else you think is appropriate for the two of you. Don't hesitate in expressing your feelings,be innovative and you never know it works wonder for your relationship.
6-Take a walk down
memory lane together -
take your partner to somewhere they told you was special for them as a child. Spend time walking around exploring the place and asking question about his/her childhood memories .
take your partner to somewhere they told you was special for them as a child. Spend time walking around exploring the place and asking question about his/her childhood memories .
7-Last but not the
least-Say I love you it means a lot, tell them what they mean to you, it will
mean more a gift could .
you don’t have anyone to spoil you this valentine’s-
Treat yourself,go for
Hang out with friends,
Pamper yourself at a
Remember it’s not the
end of the world.
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